
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Giveaway Prize and Cat Rescue!

I won this fabulous dress from the give away at!
I know. Gorgeous right? I was so excited I said, " ok this is going in my bridal shop. Then, I thought wait, it could go into my boutique, now I am wondering, even though it is a little more modern, if I should put it in my Victorian seamstress' at-home sewing room. She is a little before her time. LOL I am sure it will tell me where it wants to go when it gets here. Oh, for joy, for joy!
 Thanks So Much Felma!! 
When I first saw this in the thrift store, I saw cute little kitty cats. Then I was horrified as I realized this was some kind of sadistic game. Can you believe anyone would have fun playing this? It is played by catapulting the little kitties through the air aimed at a target. I liked the kitties. so I  decided to buy and rescue them.
The catapult will be dismantled and used for parts. (sorry the pics are so dark. Still haven't learned to send Print Shopped pictures to Blogger once I edit them) 

Don't worry....they have all been adopted!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March and Minis...Contest Winning, St. Patrick's Day, Women's History minis

I will share more in the next post and show the picture of the prize and reveal the blog...( doing the cha-cha!)
So many enjoyed the Black History Minis.
 Here are the March
 Women's History Month Minis 
Aren't they cute!
Please do not forget to support the photographer Eunique Jones at




Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
  Coming soon! A highlight on a different kind of mini-lover!



Sunday, February 8, 2015


Yes, this is a potato chip, Cool huh?
(I ate it! LOL) 

Black History Minis!
Some of you may remember some of these pictures from two years ago on Vansdolltreasures. I  am still as enchanted with these real life minis as much as I was when I shared them with her. I didn't post them on my blog then, so I will do it this year in honor of Black History Month. There were even more this year. It was so hard to pick! These are the ones I decided on.
 See how many you can identify before looking at the names. If you don't know the people they are portraying...why not google them!
Next month, I will do the same for Women's History month. Please stop by and support Eunique Jones at Eunique's Photography for more cuteness! I am trying to decide which product I will purchase.
Wouldn't these be cute in mini scale dolls?
 Especially check out, the lead-in video of girls reciting Maya Angelou!! SO CUTE!





The Divine 9 - Eunique Jones Photography
(can you name the sororities and fraternities?)
And last but not least...


Friday, January 23, 2015

Moving Forward For More Fun in 2015!

Well, 2014 ended with a lot of difficulties. But, that is ok. There is always tomorrow I say. . I am going forward in a lot of areas besides miniatures and if you hold, on tightly I will take you with me! :-D Weee! lol I want you to have even more fun here with, me, The Grandmommy, this year and ever after!

I like this song and have decided it is going to be my theme song for 2015

I think I figured out who gets what and sent the gifts for all of the winners who sent their addresses. If I have left you out please let me know. It is never too late to get a treat in the mail! I should know this first hand...
Look at what Brini sent me!

Right smack in the middle of the year end drama...I get this box! In it was the cool chair with matching pillows, mirror and picture frame that I won on Brini's Doll Domain blog and oh, what is that? A gift card for Macy's department store. I was NOT expecting that! Nothing like a little retail therapy I always say!

I sat down with a cup of coffee on a quiet morning and opened the box! Then, I actually sat there playing with everything! I rearranged the pillows over and over and sat different dolls in the chair. LOL I have decided to make a roombox for them instead of putting them in one of the Barbie houses. I can't say thanks enough! She is such a generous sweetie, folks!

 I am inspired by the beginning of the year craft room organization of a few of my blogger friends. michellesmadworld @  and Brae at Otterine's Miniatures. As such, I have begun organizing and most importantly for me...labeling. In doing so, you know I found a lot of good craft-y stuff.

Some were very well organized, but since they were not labeled I didn't know where they were and what I even had in there! I am looking at these soap and candle making supplies really hard! I pulled them from one of those unlabeled, yet organized rolling drawers and spread it all out. Today is the day. I am going to attempt to make some really cool soaps 1:1 scale.  Once I get comfortable with that I want to make some 1:12 scale.

Hope I don't chicken out!

The Grandmommy


Click on picture for a larger view

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Don't Worry Your Prizes Are a Coming and My Prize From Brini!

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone's holidays were exceptional and your new year has starting with a bang! Before I had the last contest, I looked around and saw so much mini stuff! I had many things I purchased specifically for mini contests and lots of other stuff! I sold some things on Etsy and others on Ebay. I plan to have other contests in the future so keep watching!

I don't usually post about negative personal things because I know others like me want this to be a fun place or even an escape. I know you will understand because we are also close enough to share a little here and there.  But, I  want to apologize for getting the prizes out so late. Several members of my family have experienced severe problems, which has caused me to abandon my miniature activities for a while. There were events such as a member being attacked by two dogs. Fortunately there was just small muscle damage.

 Another family with little children became homeless and was staying with me. As sweet as they were, it seems one of the children misplaced my mini prize information and I didn't know who was to get what, who was sent what and had to reconstruct things all over. Still working on that. Some people already received theirs. I just shipped more out and some others will get theirs in the third shipment.  Even my pets were stressed. One chewed up some of my dollhouse furniture! She has NEVER done that before! As a matter of fact, they had been in the same place for months and she never touched them.

That was just some of what was going on starting from around Thanksgiving. I barely had the opportunity or presence of mind to read most of your posts. :-(   Things are getting better.  :-)

I can't wait to tell you about my prize from Brini! I will talk more and take pictures of them in the next post in a few days. I placed the box in a prominent place and after things settled down a bit, I sat down with a cup of coffee and opened the box. Boy was I surprised!

Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, December 22, 2014

Thank you everyone who let me know my email was not available. It is now. Ilona you may try to send your address using that email now!

Click on picture for a larger view

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Check for available prizes

Hi All!

 To those eligible for a prize, in order to know what has already been chose, please keep checking The "Come and Get it" post as I will update it as people make their selections. :-D


Friday, December 19, 2014

Come and Get It!!!

Ok, all of the winners have selected what they want. Now it is time for everyone else to let me know which gift they would like! You have until January first to make your choice.

That would be:
Georgia Girl
Nite Owl=I
Day Dreamer
Smaller Places
Les Mains Calmes

The WINNERS chose:
Chris P=B
Narina N
I hope everyone enjoys their prize and

I wish everyone the most joyous and peaceful holiday season ever!
Click on picture for a larger view