
Showing posts with label 1:12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1:12. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I love to window shop online as much as in person. During one of my online shopping trips, I ran across this Esty store. The draperies there are exquisite! I couldn't stop looking at them because I was in awe of the perfect workmanship. I have a similar bath tub but didn't have any plans for it like this! The whole room is professionally designed.

Nothing more to say...just go look at these and hold on to your wallet because you might go a little bizzerk shopping here: Wootensminiatures

Thanks for letting me share these Linda! :-)

Dollhouse Miniature 1:12 scale Bay Window Gold curtains Drapes

Click on picture for a larger view

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It Is Called Shop-itis

The stores, thrift shops and yard sales were chock full of goodies this past summer. It was if they were putting things out just for me. Alright. It was me. I was out of control. But, look at all of the goodies!

 Some children will have fun making sandcastles!

A couple of my kids fit perfectly in this! One at a time of course.

I have never seen this gazebo before. Doesn't it look romantic? Believe or not- it is by PLAYSKOOL! It normally comes with accessories to put on the top deck.
The wagon and doghouse are other finds.

Ok, how did they know how much I love Lobster even in 1:12 size?

The vanity is perfect for my adult dolly. The scooter is for an Atl. airport police officer, maybe? lol

Lights, camera...

The teens will love these outfits

These look just like cinder blocks!

My daughter insisted I get this. I am glad I did.
That ain't all folks! Be back with more pics of goody-finds soon!
Click on pictures for a larger view

Part of a Park

Thought I would add a few more things to the map/park I showed you here. This is one area being set up in the duplex also to be used for the doll stories.

Before it is finished, it will have lots more parky type things in it. I thought the golf course wallpaper trim in the back looked nice with the park. I will have to put up a fence or something there so the balls won't hurt the young children and animals. LOL

There is so much that can be added, from putting fish in the blue water to little animals, trees and all sorts of people.
I hope you can see this. The lighting wasn't so good

This is sand added for texture. Soon there will be stones and other 3D effects and of course more greenery
Some kind of fence will have to separate the two areas.

Click on picture for a larger view

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tricked Out Turtle Van

Ok, I confess. Since I have been working on turning the duplex behind my house into a studio and taking woodworking classes, I have been doing much more shopping than working on minis. Anyway, shopping is half the fun of mini-ing...right? As a result, the shopping has paid off. I have this one thing I must show you. Then in other posts I will share the rest, but I think this item deserves a post unto itself.

I took the door off to get better shots of the interior
I got this for $2 at a thrift shop. I almost left it. Whew! It might not be what you think. My daughter and grands say it is actually a rip off of a more popular super hero group's vehicle.

This is the view from the rear window

Can you imagine the secret operations taking place in here?

The seats are the perfect size for 1:12 scale

Maybe it might become a news van!

I plan to removed that huge turtle head. I like the seats on the front. The trash can has a removable top! I still think it belongs to those pizza eating cowabunga dudes.

Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, September 17, 2012

If You Build It They Will Shop

Shortly after I purchased the shelves from the thrift shop I started working on my "mall."  (see May 28 post A Mini Mall)Then I got stumped. First it was the question of scale. Should I keep it 1:12 which is my scale of choice. The dimensions of  each store would be 7X12 made me wonder if it wouldn't be better in 1:24 scale. Everything I had put aside to go into it was of course 1:12.

After hashing it out in my mind and going to other miniaturists for advice, I decided to stay with the 1:12. Now I thought, what does a mall look like? My daughter and grands were happy to go with me to the mall with my camera and notebook in tow. I was careful not to appear to be casing the joint so to speak. I was friendly with security and had my cameral visibly around my neck.

I came home checked my notes and blah. Nothing noted on there excited me or would do justice to my stores. The only useful information was what type of items were found in each type of store.

One day, amazingly, while in the books for purchase section of my local library a book was jumping out at me. I usually grab anything that looks like a craft or decorating book.

Voila! Look at what I got there! This book has such great ideas. It was perfect to get me going on getting ideas for my mall. Take a look.
 Now I have absolutely no excuse. Pictures of the mall in its current state coming forth shortly.

Click on picture for a larger view

Etsy Store additions

I am back. Right now I am in the middle of moving my studio from my home office to a duplex apartment behind my home. Soo my supplies are divided between the two places right now. I thought I would take this opportunity to put some of my projects in my Etsy store (bigandlittlecreations). Look for my Etsy preview window on this blog soon . Here are two samples:

Wedding bouquets ready for her I do's

Click on picture for a larger view

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Front Porch Part II

I had a hard time deciding what I would show next. So here is a collection of the various houses I saw at the Front Porch. Part III will be about the trains, the rest of the shop and the man who created it all. Enjoy!
We can't forget the military!


I really like this one with the porch and shingles. It isnt fancy, just neat and homey.


Notice how thick the walls are. This was made pre-kit days. It is actual lumber laid out, measured and cut.
The people add to the vintage feel.

Roomboxes are also a part of the collection.

I loved his collection of period dolls.

Barbie lovers and other dolls collectors aren't left out

This is a cute set up with Ken. Notice the kitten lol

Click on pictures for a larger view

Monday, August 6, 2012

Looking under the bush

Last Sunday I packed my daughter and three of my grandaughters in the car. We went to Charlotte North Carolina to the National Convention of National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts' (NAME) public day. More about that later.

I was also looking for a package of bushes that are sold at Joann's craft store. I read about them in one of my yahoo groups. I called Joanne's craft store in Charlotte. Bingo! They had them.I had just the right place for them in my dollstory town.  So, I made two trips in one.

Here are pictures showing why I wanted them:

I already had a  flat mini sized map.

There are also places to put stones and flowers

This shows some of the assorted bush types which happen to match the ones on the map. Notice the ferns.

The bushes come in a pack of nine. They are a slightly larger  than a golf ball.
 These bushes glued on with a few stones and flowers will make the "park" three dimensional. Just right for a relaxing dolly walk.

Friday, July 13, 2012


A few posts ago I mentioned I was busy making clothes for my 1:12 doll stories. Then I read a reply by Zdollcloset using the words "fashion show!" Show?! I scurried around grabbing fabric Scarlet O'hara style in reverse and made some curtains.

The styrofoam was in my view. Quick get the wallpaper book out and see if you have anything to match the curtains and the animal print "carpet". Ahhhh just right. I glued it on the runway, next put palm tree candle holders in place and went to get the models.

Well, remember I made you promise not to laugh. Here is my fashion show with a few of the outfits I made.

Just imagine some loud techno music and off we go....

A lovely yellow and khaki outfit to wear shopping on a saturday afternoon

Our lady wears a cool purple and green cotton suit perfect for this heatwave.

This two piece suit is perfect for meetings at the office.


Without the jacket she is ready to go dancing!

I didn't make the blouse, but made then added the burgundy velvet pencil skirt for a professional look.

This is a genuine leather jacket I made some time ago. It goes well with the gold trimmed knit dress underneath. If you look closely you can see the gold button accent on the jacket.
Now she is ready to attend that semi-formal evening wedding after work!

I'm so sorry, he felt there should be male representation with all of the lovely ladies. He grabbed his vest before it was  finished! I think someone told him his bow legs were sexy or something.

And what fashion show would be complete without a bride?

Wait...hol'....somebody help the bride!!!!

And uh that concludes our fashion show!
(somebody untangle the bride please!)