
Monday, June 16, 2014

Shelve It!

Hi Everybody!

Life should be slowing down in about a week or so. Then I will have more mini time (crossing fingers). I still think of them all of the time even when I can't get to them or blog about them. This post actually took me a week to get up!

I just had to show you this. I have had this idea for a long time. I finally decided to try it. Most of you probably already know about this trick. I wanted shelving and I didn't want to have to do a lot to get them looking right. You know, keep it simple. I also wanted the look of floating shelves with no brackets.

So, I bought some inexpensive microscope slides. The box of 72 came last week. I was anxious to try them out. I had to move everything around in the shops. When I put everything back in place, I know they will look great! Take a look at the shelves all over the place! I only had around 50 slides left within 15 minutes. LOL Perfect! Most of them went into the mall. I did put some in the Chess-taurant, though I really need to fix them better.

Now to order the slide covers for other ideas!

I had to make the pictures somewhat dark in order for you to see the shelves well.
CANDY STORE: I can put so many more goodies here now!
MEN'S STORE: Sorry I had to make it dark so you could see them better.
I also put some on the opposite wall
BRIDAL SHOP: The dove on top looks like he is flying, but he is on the glass shelf

SHOE STORE: On the upper left you can see more shelving.
This will be the new,
JEWELRY STORE:  You can be sure there will be shelves there too!

I do have a few tips for using them.

1. Try to keep them vertical while putting the glue on. I used superglue on most surfaces and just let it slide down the side.   After a few tries, you can do it without it getting glue on the flat shelf surface.

2. Remember you can not reposition if you use superglue so get it right the first time. It wouldn't stick on some wallpaper at all.

3. Once you get  superglue on the sticking side surface, you must clean it off well before trying to
 re-glue if it didn't stick the first time. It just won't stick to itself and the other surface.

4. Make sure the side you are gluing is flush against the wall so it won't be slanted when dried.

                                               Click on picture for a larger view



Thursday, May 22, 2014

The other draperies influence by Elizabeth

Sorry, I deleted this picture from the last post in error. I used the tutorial from Studio E to make this one too! These are in the dining room.

Click on picture for a larger view