
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Front Porch Part I

I have found that when you let someone know about your passion they usually can't help getting a little caught up in it too. My son happened across a man who happened to be a dollhouse icon. Forty years ago he was busy building dollhouses and roomboxes from scratch lumber. The kinds of houses we dream of today. More about this man later [after I get pics of him :-)]. First, lets look at his magnificent work. While you look, notice the sturdiness of the walls and floors. The Front Porch is an unassuming store that defies definition. In it you will find a fine collection of dollhouses, buy some vintage clothing or housewares or just a nice juicy peach to eat.

I will have to break this into several posts for you to be able to appreciate this treasure.

For the last fifteen years I have passed this store several times when in Greenville, South Carolina never noticing it or knowing of the  treasures within.
When you pass these on the shelf on the actual front porch you get the feeling there may just be a mini lover within.
This is the view as soon as you walk into the store and look to your right.
This is one of the first houses in my view
I walked behind it to see this set up. Miniature train and all!
Karen, a mini-lover for over 40 years,was happy to explain the history of the houses. This house was first built for a customer in 1981 who returned it recently to have it refurbished for her granddaughter.
Look at all of those rooms to decorate!
View #1 of the front of the largest house in the house.
 EVERYTHING in this house was HANDCRAFTED! The furniture was hand made by a craftsman from Africa.
Can you imagine the work that went into paneling those walls? These kind of details are evident in all of his work.
View #2 the other end. I love that little door!

Keep looking for parts two and three. I think I can squeeze it all within three posts.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Traveling with Mini Jazzi-She's on her way!

Hi everybody!

I like to sneak things in on my page from time to time. You may have noticed this picture as you scrolled down on the right.
I have been chosen to participate in this. What is this you say? Just click on her picture to the lower right of this blog and it will take you to the explanation of my part in her travels.

What fun!

No luggage required!

Click on picture for a larger view