
Showing posts with label mini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2013

This Is Where I Bin

  In my blogs, I often talk about my thrift shop finds. I thought I would share with you one of the shops I love to visit. I went when the store was closed so they wouldn't think I was casing the joint and planning a heist! LOL  Everything there is purchased by the pound. Monday through Saturday things are $1.29 a pound. Books and magazines are sold separately. They are only 25 cents a pound! A few things, TVs, large furniture etc. are individually priced. Sundays, everything is half priced! Shopping here is a whole different experience! It is not for the faint of heart! Here you buy what is light weight, which works perfectly for this miniaturist! Usually the things I want are small and at the bottom of the bins.
This is just one side of the store. 'That lamp will be sold by the pound too. It is just there to keep it from breaking
Most everything they have for sale is dumped into large bins. If you have the patience you dig through the bins. There are bins for toys and housewares, books, clothing, linens and clothing accessories. This could be treacherous though. If you can imagine a cartoon with people plowing through things and throwing them up in the air you have the idea. The bins are rolled out and replace with full ones several times a day.

When the full bins are brought out, everyone must stand back and are not allowed to take anything out until all of them are totally in place. Then, the people converge on them like madmen or women. Lookout and hold your children! After they have gotten all they want, things slow down again and I can pick out the tiny doll clothes or furnishings left behind. I have also gotten quite a few wonderful finds for my 1:1 house. Some things are even new in the package!

This is the same side and you can see the price sign top left

The tall blue rectangular bins on wheels are what you put your things in. They are weighed on a floor scale. The plastic bag is removed with your goodies and off you go!

Click on pictures for a larger view

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A New Beginning

Here is one of the families who will live in town. As yet, their names aren't solid and neither is the name of the town. The woman is a nurse who will be working as a nurse practitioner in a new state of the art hospital   there. The man works for the Army Corp of Engineers. After several years, he finally nabbed a job in the town where her sister lives. It is the town where her family originated. Her mom and dad also will be returning to their home town in a few months. As yet, they have no children.

Her) Ok, so it is really happening! We are making the move! I am excited and nervous at the same time.

Him) Don't worry things will work out fine. What about your new job? I know you have to be looking forward to working at that new state of the art hospital. Not to mention the new position and more money.

Her) Yes, but I am going to miss everyone here, sigh, but then it will be nice to be near my sister and her family.  It has been so long since our family moved away from there. By the time mom and dad move back home, we will be one close family again with all of the cousins and other family already there.

Him) Let's just take it one day at a time.

Her) Relaxing...smiling...ok

Hmmm now what will Gladys Bell Haversham have to do with them? Hmmmmm

Click on picture for a larger view

Friday, June 14, 2013

Latest goodies

 When you work with minis it almost seems your eyeballs become smaller. Or maybe it is your brain. At any rate when my eyes saw this my mind said...O-O-O-O look at the bookshelf/wall unit! It is actually a printer's draw. No, not the kind you plug in,but the person who used to print newspapers and things with a machine. One end has an easily removable handle and is just the right size for a mini scene. I put some of my magazines in it to show the scale. It is also compared with a standard commercial dollhouse bookshelf I bought on eBay.

I love the various size shelves

There is one screw on either side of the handle. I am sure I will find a use for that too lol

The smaller one does not cover a whole wall. The larger one can be a whole wall lol
Speaking of is another one I made
Interior two pages of same magazine

These folks are just hanging out and deciding on what kind of room this will be.

I thought this would be a cute store front once the back is taken off...and used for something else of course.  This is to show the size compared to the  other box.
As  you can see the racks are the length of the walls in the larger box.  A store maybe? The little red house is somewhere between a large dog house and a child's playhouse

 Some of the cashiers at the thrift shop I bought these in just can't figure out what I am doing with all of this stuff. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason for the things I buy. One day I will explain. LOL

Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, August 13, 2012

Traveling with Mini Jazzi-She's on her way!

Hi everybody!

I like to sneak things in on my page from time to time. You may have noticed this picture as you scrolled down on the right.
I have been chosen to participate in this. What is this you say? Just click on her picture to the lower right of this blog and it will take you to the explanation of my part in her travels.

What fun!

No luggage required!

Click on picture for a larger view