
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Artist Highlight-> Birdhouse/Dollhouse Its All Mini to Me!

Hi everybody!
I just happened across these
How about these for birdhouses!
 Hope everyone is already having a ball in 2016!
Be back VERY SOON!







* Architectural Digest, June 2011......................© 2014 Thomas F. Burke
E-mail: or Call (302) 654-5550
1401 Pennsylvania Ave. #1205 Wilmington, DE 19806
Site designed by Penny Lane Graphics
 I just think his stuff is really cool!

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Friday, December 4, 2015

Red HOT Seating!

Hi all! 
I had to take a break from repairing the state fair entries. Don't worry.  I will be back working on them again soon!  I did what I sometimes do. See little things I had been meaning to change, fix or add to and then do it. It gives me a quick sense of accomplishment and of course progress on my many on going projects.
There is one house you have seen before. It was Niecy and Trey's house. I didn't really like the pink flowers in the living room set since it was not just a lady's house and kind of outdated. It seemed that everything they picked to be in their living room has some red in it.  They needed something more modern and youthful.
I had seen it done before so I tried painting the set. I love the way it came out! My only complaint is that in some places you can see where the glue seeped through the ribbon. I managed to clean most of it off. I still may either replace it with anther piece or just change to another ribbon.
Funny, I don't have one red thing in my 1:1 house but I have red rooms in two of my mini houses with that color scheme!
This is the original pattern also known as "before"

   Here the pieces are freshly painted. I was afraid they would stay shiny. It dried with a more realistic mat finish.
A comparison after the painting the loveseat and chair
Here is the sofa. I did mange to get a little more glue off of it after this photo. That is a Gamecocks pillow (South Carolina University) I have several I made some time ago and will add them to the other pieces.

The completed set
Two possible arrangements


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Friday, November 27, 2015

A Day At The Fair I (The Chalet)

Last year, I had a pipe dream to enter my miniatures in the state fair. I ran out of time and felt really disappointed. When I went to see the exhibits, there were only a few and not very impressive.

This year I was determined to enter something. Soooo I entered three things. LOL Even if they weren't as completed as I wanted, I was going to enter something! The Chess-taurant, Church, and Chalet were chosen.

None of them won. But, I was still excited. My grandchildren got to see their grandmommy's work in the state fair! Now, I know what the judges look for. Most of us miniaturists look for details. The judges looked for construction. Next year I will ramp up both.  I wish I had gotten pictures of the winners They were all awesome! I left my camera in the car and didn't even get pictures of my grands at the fair or next to my exhibit! Darn!

Unfortunately, they all were damaged in transport either going or coming. Securing things is something else I learned. They are in the process of being repaired and touched up then will only be shown one at a time when they are decent enough to show. None of them are totally complete. I have a whole lot of ideas I want to add. You, my sweet followers, are always able to see past my incomplete work and  beyond as this is a never ending hobby. :-) I will return from time to time to show any significant progress on any of them.

Please share any ideas you may have that might enhance these projects!

Next year,
 1st Prize!
This is the bathroom attached to the Master bedroom. The window was printed off the internet. The TV is Barbie sized Almost everything was purchased and redone somehow. You can tell but the dominant color is copper

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The hanging over the bed is a leather part of a sandal I was about to throw out. lol
I made the pillows and spread. The bed posts are Halloween trees from the Dollar Tree

Remember that fireplace and the contest? I need to add pillows to the sofa and a few other things to look "lived" in

The first floor recreation room. Something fell off the wall and I can't remember what! That thing in the left corner is a saddle. I wanted it to hang outside. Must fix that! This TV is also supposed to be Barbie scale.

One fish on the wall is missing in action.
Second bedroom it needs more wall decorations and something on the right. I might add sheer curtains

The wall is a from a framed picture glued to mat board.

The wall needs a few more details
There is that empty right wall problem again!

A close up of the fish and ice in the kitchen sink after a fun day at the lake
More recreation room
The whole Chalet


Thanks for checking me out!

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Thursday, November 19, 2015


 Hi everyone!

Here are a few things to make you smile while I  get the next post ready. I'm taking pictures and will share soon.

I am also adding new items to my Esty store. Check back regularly!

Ok, who wants to make this with me?

...when you wake up and don't feel like walking down stairs.

now how cool is that. by lilly

Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, October 19, 2015


Liebster Award

Hi Everybody! {{{waving}}}

I am so glad I have been tagged again! This time by Shasarignis at I struggled to make a post when D7ana  from tagged me for the "World Doll Day" this past June. Summer got in the way and I never got around to it, darn it! I have time now. I will tell you more about why in an upcoming post. It took me a few days, but I am here! (grin) So, I will respond to both at once

Thanks shasarignis and D7ana!


The responsibilities associated with this award are as follows:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog. (Check!)
  2. Give your readers eleven random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the eleven questions from the person who nominated you.
  4. Nominate eleven bloggers to receive this award.
  5. Invent eleven questions for your nominees.

Here are the questions from Shasarignis:

1. What is your favorite doll and why ?
The one I love the most is the one I found buried in my back yard. Aside from being beautiful, she makes me think of one word... survival and has become my muse. She sits on my desk.
I also like any doll with full articulation. The ones I  would want to own are any found at
2. One of your best childhood memories
Going to the New York Worlds Fair

 3. Do you travel with your dolls (plane or go to job) ?
Yes, I have a post coming up where I took  a fashion doll and a 1:12 doll to the beach this past May.

 4. When did you start to collect dolls ?
I was probably about four. I never threw  them away. They all just sort of disappeared!
5. Do you collect anything else than dolls ?
Cameras, antique books, especially old hymnals to name a few.
6. Do you have a favorite place that you like to go, and why this place and not another place ?
Any warm place near water.
7. If you have a machine to go back in time, in which time do you want to go ?
I would be chilling (spending time ) with Cleopatra in her palace using her natural products and talking about girly stuff. LOL
8. If you could choose your job, what kind of job you would choose ?
Since I am now semi-retired, it would be one that I would make my own hours and play a lot.
9. If you could make a movie, what kind of movie would you make ?
It would be a hilarious comedy,  but Denzel Washington would have to be in it!
 10. Have you been on a cruise, if not, where would you like to be on a cruise ?
I have been on two cruises so far. One to Panama, Cost Rica and Belize, the other was to the Bahamas.
 11. Do you think it is important to respect nature and why ?
 Yes. I Recycle, repurpose (watch next post) and reuse a lot! Many of us are fortunate to have plenty. We need to honor that by not wasting while protecting and preserving the earth and all of its inhabitants.


1) I was once invited to and attended a press conference at the White House
2)I have nine grandchildren
3) I speak intermediate Spanish
4)I was a cheerleader, a color guard and on a drill team when a teenager
5)I played first chair/string violin in high school
6) I know how to dance ballroom dancing
7) I am tall
8) I am currently writing a novel
9) I really like comedy clubs and I am always making people laugh
10) I enjoy good jazz
11) Finally, I am  much more spiritual than religious and enjoy reading about spiritual things

I now tag:

1) Jocelynsdollhouse
2) Giac
3) Marta at all 4 Barbie
4) 1/6 Point of view
5)Miranda  @ One sixth Avenue
 6) Pier One Sixth
7) darkroomdolls
8) smallerplaces
10) Lily

The  World Doll Day  questions tagged from D7ana  were also answered above  which were :

 1.  2014 Favorite Dolls (and/or Action Figures)

2.  2015 Wish List Dolls (and/or Action Figures

3. Tag 5 people to do as I have done.

I will not tag anyone for the World Doll Day because that takes place in June.

My questions to them are:
1) Have you ever shared your dolls/miniatures with a member of the opposite sex?

2) Do you tell others about your hobby?

3) Do you have dolls /miniatures of other scales?

4) Do you have a budget just for your hobby?

5) Blogger or Facebook? Why?

6) Who is your biggest supporter in the world of dolls/miniatures?

7) What doll/ miniature would you like as a gift?

8) Which of your miniatures or dolls reminds you of yourself the most? Why?

9) Do you have other hobbies? What are they?

10) Have you ever traveled far for a doll/miniature purpose? How far?

11) Do you have dolls of other races or cultures than your own? Which are they?

BONUS: Can people buy anything for their dolls/miniatures from you? If so where?

Happy Tagging!

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