
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Meats, Eats, and Treats

Some of my fellow bloggers have asked me to show some of the foods I have made in the past. I hesitate because I know I need to practice more using polymerclay.  I put polymer clay food making down for a while. Now, I think I will pick it up again due to the encouragement I have been getting. I still need practice, practice practice!

Oh, and I couldn't find the meat I made. When I  find it I promise to share. Hey, whats that smell! (Is that rotting clay meat?)
My dolls better not bite into the cookies.They are about three years old! The two  dishes in the background hold candy. These came out really cute back then. I will definately remake some.
This breakfast food was made and shot last summer.

dollhouse grits diners
I really liked the way these looked, but close ups didn't do them justice.
 I will try again soon.

Some of the cookies have gone missing. I will use these for my houses.

Here is a little something I made a few days ago. Ice cream sandwiches!
Click on pictures for a larger view

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pony Room Update

Just wanted to update you on the kids rooms in the big house. I mixed the paint for the walls in the girls room.  The color is much prettier than you can see here. Lighting can be really tricky inside of these little rooms. I tried several techniques, but still did not get it right.

I got a bit of white paint on the walls then tried to blend it in. YUK! Also, the brush bristles  left things a bit streaky. I had to mix a whole new batch to even things out. Lesson learned: mix much more paint than  you need.

The carpet is installed and the window treatments are on their way.There will also be working lighting in there. The pillows are from my stash which come from a variety of sources.

My friend Bill tried to teach me to cut moulding, but I think I need another lesson. I really want to have nice crown moulding in all of the rooms. Window and door framing will also give it a nice finished look. I am working on those. I want her to have a door to her room. After all little girls need their privacy!

 My stash also has lots of cute knick-knacks and wall accessories to go around and I can't wait to get them in there!

With the exception of the paint faux pas, I am pretty satisfied so far

Wall repainted, but still wet. Touch-ups after door and windows completed.


I can't help it. When I get a mini idea I have to act on it immediately even if it is out of order. Hence the bed canopies. I think they will look even better once the window treatment gets up. Normally, the curtains would go up first, but I just had to see how this would look. The wall was still  wet. LOL

I think the canopies really add to the room.

Sheets are clearly needed. LOL

Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mini Jazzi takes the US!

Hi all,

Mini Jazzi is still traveling all over the world! She was in the U.S. and visited a few states with Iamazing. Her destination was the Tom Bishop International Doll show in Chicago. However, she enjoyed the journey as well.

MJ meeets a museum guard

Check out MJ on her trip!

Click on picture for a larger view