
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Stuck on the right thing

I am a person who likes to work on several different projects at a time. This means I don't always have the same set of tools and products in front of me from project to project.

 One product that changes according to the project is glue. There are so many out there it can be mind boggling. Currently, I have six plastic shoeboxes filled with various types of glue from glue sticks to wood glue.

There would be times when one glue would work well on a material, but when I tried to glue that same material to something else the glue wouldn't work at all.

Some time ago in my frustration I found this website. It has been so helpful and I hope it will be for you too. :-)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Riding in style

I know, I know you have not heard from me in a few weeks except for the note a couple of days ago. Now here I am posting two posts in one day.

It stopped raining so I quickly got these shots. I hope you enjoy this post and the one before it.

Recently, I saw this in a thrift shop. Oh, I thought, this looks just right for one of my doll families. With a little paint it will look very realistic or maybe no paint. It even makes sounds!

Just right for hauling,  yet kind of cute!

Relaxing and enjoing the view through the sunroof

A few of my grands who happened to be with me shouted OOOO a Dora car! "Dora?", I said.
"This is by Mattel!"
Well, closer inspection and the grandchildren's wisdom along the Dora themed colors revealed that was just what it was. And yes Mattel makes Dora products.

Yep, Dora alright! (please don't ask me why that tape is there. I don't know lol)