
Monday, September 17, 2012

If You Build It They Will Shop

Shortly after I purchased the shelves from the thrift shop I started working on my "mall."  (see May 28 post A Mini Mall)Then I got stumped. First it was the question of scale. Should I keep it 1:12 which is my scale of choice. The dimensions of  each store would be 7X12 made me wonder if it wouldn't be better in 1:24 scale. Everything I had put aside to go into it was of course 1:12.

After hashing it out in my mind and going to other miniaturists for advice, I decided to stay with the 1:12. Now I thought, what does a mall look like? My daughter and grands were happy to go with me to the mall with my camera and notebook in tow. I was careful not to appear to be casing the joint so to speak. I was friendly with security and had my cameral visibly around my neck.

I came home checked my notes and blah. Nothing noted on there excited me or would do justice to my stores. The only useful information was what type of items were found in each type of store.

One day, amazingly, while in the books for purchase section of my local library a book was jumping out at me. I usually grab anything that looks like a craft or decorating book.

Voila! Look at what I got there! This book has such great ideas. It was perfect to get me going on getting ideas for my mall. Take a look.
 Now I have absolutely no excuse. Pictures of the mall in its current state coming forth shortly.

Click on picture for a larger view

Etsy Store additions

I am back. Right now I am in the middle of moving my studio from my home office to a duplex apartment behind my home. Soo my supplies are divided between the two places right now. I thought I would take this opportunity to put some of my projects in my Etsy store (bigandlittlecreations). Look for my Etsy preview window on this blog soon . Here are two samples:

Wedding bouquets ready for her I do's

Click on picture for a larger view