
Monday, June 4, 2012

More Woodworking pictures

I thought I would try to get some more of the pictures from the field trip to Bills workshop. I actually had to use a different computer. But I was able to get these to you.
Here they are:

Here is a tiny claw and ball leg Bill made ready for a nice piece of furniture.

Look at some of my goodies I got to take home.
 There is pine, mahogany, basswood and some types of wood I never even heard of before!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Woodworking in miniature

Today was so exciting. Some time ago I found a group for woodworkers. I told my friend Vanessa at Van's doll treasures. She was so excited she joined right away. After I heard her stories and saw her projects, I knew I wanted to start too.
On my second visit, I met a man who just happened to mention he made mini furniture.
I was intrigued and asked a few questions. Turns out he has his own workshop and is not only a master carpenter, but a licensed contractor. So this man knows houses...big and little ones!

He invited me to his shop. OMG! What fun.

I saw some of the tools and other equipment he uses for minis.

OK here is what I saw:

A contraption he made to work with mini tools

Table made by Bill. Notice the details. The drawers have tiny dove tail joints.
The shell design on the front was done by hand!

 I even got a goody bag of various types of wood with which to practice. Yippie! 
 As soon as I solve some technical difficulties, I will add more pictures. Stay tuned!