Hi everybody!
I bought this Play-Doh set called "Wheels" some time ago. Since it is a kids toy there was a chance they would look unrealistic. Well, I love it! I have not used it on a structure yet, but that is just a matter of time. The imprint comes out perfectly! The brick pattern is raised just enough to make it convincing. They will work as a walkway, on the side of a building or even a wall.
OK for 1:12 or 1:6 scale in my opinion. I didn't paint them because these are just demonstrations. Once they are trimmed etc. I will bake and paint. A few coats of different shades of gray on the stones should make them look super realistic. The possiblities on the brick are limitless. Lightly pressing with sandpaper gives it a little texture. There are probably other ways to produce that look. I wonder how soaked egg cartons would look. Using it much in the way of making paper. Hmmm.
The only parts I don't like is the stone mold is round. But, it is just a matter of cutting it into your desired shape, I guess. Also, the brick mold seems to be a little too thick for 1:12. Maybe a few careful slices from behind will solve that.

The tubs are filled with Play-Doh which you could share with the kiddies who can work right along side you.