
Monday, May 15, 2017

Houses Around the Books/ Tree Ring Circle of Fun!

Hi Everybody (waving vigorously)👋

Boy oh boy am I a happy mini-lover! A library in my area has started a mini group! As we all know miniaturism can be such an isolating hobby. Requiring only one set of hands. Yet, we also know nobody understands us like we do. So having like minded people around is more than fun. It is stimulating!

It started one day around Halloween.  There was a mini display in the library vestibule. "Excuse me" I had to ask the lady at the desk..."can you tell me who put that display together out there?" From there it went.

We meet once a month to make tiny things and chat about...whatever! The ladies are ultra talented and everyone has something to add. It is a diverse group. Whoever desires can lead the group for the monthy mini project. All we have to bring is ourselves. Most times, there will be other items on display around the room by whomever wants to share their creations. What is even more awesome is we brainstorm with one another when we are stumped about something we are working on at home. It can even be brought in to get live feedback.

The librarian, who started it all, is a full mini addict from "across the pond" and participates equally. She makes me think of my followers who also hail from other countries. Sorry, I don't have any pictures as yet, but promise some in the future.

So far, the group has made a water feature, tiny pillows, cake from bread scraps, bead perfume vanity trays, tote-bags and maybe a few other things before I joined.  I presented the perfume trays and pillows.


A couple of weeks ago while I was out of state, I just happened to be exploring a thrift shop I had never seen. I was shopping along minding my business, when out of the corner of my eye I saw this.  (Move over kid. Let them see! Can't blame him...I feel the same way.)

Melissa & Doug Classic Wooden Tree House Set | Shopping - Big Discounts on Melissa and Doug Play Sets:  
 This is not a picture of mine...of course. (I would be in the picture hovering over him) It is from

The swing was all I could really see in my line of vision which was quickly sized up in my mini mind. Yep! Looks 1:12 to me!  I tried not to look crazy and run in slow motion to grab it before the child in front of me got to it. I had already skulked around waiting patiently for her to put the Barbie bike down. So, I sauntered over then swooped it quickly into my shopping cart...just in case.

Mine is missing a few parts including the house on top, a trapdoor bridge next to the house, the tire  swing ( seems I saw it  around here somewhere ) and tree branches that I am sure I have in my stash (or Dollar Tree time!). It is a bit wobbly making it hard to move for pictures just yet. Which means it still needs tender loving care, and that is perfect, because this is the very project my granddaughter and I had planned to make one day. A TREEHOUSE! I can see birds and animals and a few other things added.

Oh yeah, it was discounted that day costing me about $2.75! 😎😎😎

Friday, February 24, 2017

A complete guide to adding flock, static grass, clump foliage, lichen an...

Hi Everybody!

I have been having some computer problems I will share with you later. It has been so long since I chatted with you all, so I looked at some of my drafts to send to you something interesting. I hope you can use this.

It has been so long I have forgotten how to format this so it would fit better.  Oh, well. 😕
See you soon!

Click on picture for a larger view

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Win a Dress/ VOTE!

Hi everyone! 

I just popped in to let you know Felma is back and having another giveaway! As some of you remember  I won one and it was perfect for my sewing room. Sometimes I switch it to the bridal shop when a mini tells me she wants to see an off white gown. HeHeHe. Hurry up and get over there so you can be the winner this time! Here's the link:

And most importantly to my American Friends:

(vote as if all of your mini buddies were looking over your shoulder  real and imagined! LOL!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Not for those with Spheksophobia!/ Shopping For Snacks

As Presto suggested Harlan (her new name) went shopping to put more goodies in the break room vending machine.

The gentleman at the door is handing out samples of his great new cake balls.

Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, September 5, 2016


If we REALLY wanted to
 Have a safe Labor Day

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Took a break in the break room!


I had a strange incident a few months ago. I will only say I have to be careful who knows about this blog. I had a weirdo who was following me from blog to blog. I was shocked and felt uneasy because I had no idea he was doing that. I live in a very small town and I guess word has traveled about my blog.

He was a Sears repairman who asked about a post about me on another site. "So, you travel a lot?" was the comment. I had just mentioned that in the other blog. There was no other way he could have known that. I don't like the idea of a stranger knowing I am may not be at home.

At any rate I can't allow that to deter me from what I enjoy. All of you, your blogs and my own blog. I will just have to be more careful about certain things.


I thought this was so cute! There is one with a tiny car I will share next
Don't forget to tap on the full screen to see it better

I have gotten back to my office complex among other things while I was on break
This is the beginning of the break room

I bought the sandwiches online from China. The machine is a pill container I painted black. If I find something else I like better  I may change it. Also need a soda machine

This is the whole office comlex. Lots of work to be done here! There is an event planner office, and a few others I am still working out in my mind.
You can see the break room on top of the second tower from the left.

This is the start of the lobby. The elevator door is only propped against the back wall. The green part on the floor is just a mat and will be removed when the carpet is in place.
The wall paper is real life wall trim cut to size

                                                     Click on picture for a larger view

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hello every one,

I am checking out how to change my blog. Something creepy happened from a stranger follower. I want to either make it private or shut it down.

Any suggestions?

Click on picture for a larger view

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Artist Highlight-> Birdhouse/Dollhouse Its All Mini to Me!

Hi everybody!
I just happened across these
How about these for birdhouses!
 Hope everyone is already having a ball in 2016!
Be back VERY SOON!







* Architectural Digest, June 2011......................© 2014 Thomas F. Burke
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1401 Pennsylvania Ave. #1205 Wilmington, DE 19806
Site designed by Penny Lane Graphics
 I just think his stuff is really cool!

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