
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Here Comes the Neighborhood!

Ok, so I was shopping in a thrift shop a few days ago while talking on the phone to my friend Jean. As a matter of fact, it is the same one where she and I first met. We chatted about a few things then all of a sudden I could only say, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! There before me were two beautiful doll houses with three bags of furniture!  This time, unlike before, I rushed over and looked at their tags. They were not sold! In the mean time, Jean was on the other end saying. "What!What!What! Funny of all people she would be the one on the other end at that time!

I told her what I saw and all she could say was, "are they sold? Oh! Are they sold! Still standing there, I expressed my guilt about how many dollhouses I already had and how it would be ridiculous to buy not one but two more! Jean assured me that if it were her...she would certainly buy them. Ok, I said...I am getting them. And that I did. Take a look.

This is the larger of the two. I can do a lot with that porch

I love the little curtains. And it is electrified! But, needs to be reconnected.

I will show the insides of these houses when I start working on them. Which might be soon.
I am now setting up a "neighborhood" in my studio.
We know how I am always doing multiple projects at once. :0D

For years I never even saw ONE they are everywhere! LOL

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

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Mini Jazzi in Florida

After much hand wringing by her aunties, Mini Jazzi finally arrived at her next destination! She visited in Florida in February.

She seems to be getting much needed down time after her travels. She has made a few friends and seems to be really enjoying her visit. Go check her out!

Where to next?

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